A failover route allows a call to be passed to another phone number if, for any reason, the usual endpoint is unreachable. To perform this task, please complete the following steps:
1) Login to http://voip.controlnetworks.com.au using your Control Networks login credentials.
2) From the top menu, choose "Phone Numbers"
3) Choose a number and select "Change Route"
4) In the destination type select box, choose "Device with failover to external divert"
5) Select a device from the "Select Device" select box.
6) In the "Failover to Phone Number" field, you can enter a 10 Digit phone number to diver the call to an external source, or alternatively, you can enter an 09 number, which will make the system failover to a device of your choosing.
7) Click "Save Routing" when you're finished making changes.
Changes may take 10 - 15 minutes to replicate across our entire voice network.
You can also change the routing settings for Phone Numbers associated with your account using our REST API. You will find more information on completing this task at the following knowledge base article:
VoIP - Ordering a Phone Number (REST API)