Multiple ADSL connections can be aggregated together to provide higher bandwidth and availability where connectivity options such as NBN, EoC or Fibre are not available, or too cost-prohibitive.
To create an aggregated link you will need:
- Multiple phone lines (one per ADSL connection) (SKU 640004)
- Multiple private IP ADSL connections (SKU 420002)
- A private VRF gateway (SKU 550009)
- A data pack of your choosing
When combined, these services can create links equivalent to the capacity of the combined operational speed of the ADSL connections - all via a single internet IP address. VRF's also allow cross-site routing and data pool sharing to create private cross-site LAN configurations.
Aggregated links are note always possible and are subject to post-qualification for service availability.
Please contact your account manager to learn more about aggregated ADSL connections.