Document Format Requirements for e-Post

When sending a letter via the e-Post webApp, or via API you must ensure that the document meets the following requirements...


  • It must be in PDF format (you can send word documents via Communicator, but not via the webApp)
  • It must be A4 or Letter pages
  • There must be no more than 8 pages per document


The PDF version must be at least 1.5 - you can check the version using the File- > Properties window in Adobe Reader:



Most modern software will output versions 1.5 and above - however old versions of software and some old office equipment (such as scanners and multi-function centres) can output old formats.  In these cases we recommend updating the software, or applying a firmware update to the device.


This does not apply to Neural Communicator.  Communicator will automatically convert the document into the correct format before submitting it to the service.

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